Friday, July 31, 2009

I'm not your Boyfriend

Maybe you have heard of the cartoon show on cartoon network entitled Chowder. It is about a young apprentice who wants to become a chef. He is now under the supervision of Chef MungDull. Every time Chowder's on the mix every recipe is a disaster. Along with the story he met another apprentice named Panini who allegedly fall in love with Chowder. And Chowder does'nt like Panini and Panini is claiming that chowder is her boyfriend. That's the time i heard Chowder shouted "I'm not your boyfriend".

I don't know but every time Chowder say "I'm not your boyfriend" it always gave a little laugh. Maybe I remember something from those lines.(hehehehe) Every time I watched Chowder there is a little chanting going on inside my head it goes like this, "I'm not your boyfriend. I'm not your boyfriend.(in a happy tune).

How i wish could say this happily not only in my head (kung iniisip mo kung sino tinutukoy ko pwes nagkakamali ka.hahahaha).

I'm not your boyfriend.

Yes I'm not your boyfriend but there are some people that treat each other as lovers but they don't have any commitment. They treat each other special but then there are not together. There is no "US" in "THEM" if you get my point. Is it wrong? I mean we have the freedom to do whatever we want as long as it follows in the laws and norms of society and tradition. But my question is, what are the limitations and is there any rules and regulations in this kind of relationship?(If you could call it a relationship.)

Just a simple thought hope you could help regarding this matter.

Once again, I'm not your boyfriend.(hehehehe joke lang)

For any comments and suggestion kindly leave your message here or send me txt message.

Yahpau Running out.

It is not a CANIBAD Day.

It was a sunny July 19 , 2009 and our class in NS2b together with the other class of NS (Natural Science) is scheduled to conduct our much awaited (tadaaaaaaa...) Mangrove Planting at Samal Island. At first its was a tiring day because I have to wake up at 4 am in the morning to prepare thy self for the said activity and traveling from my lair going to school where all of my classmates will met up. (By the way that time the school is close for the quaratine..)

I arrive at about 30 minutes ahead of the call time so I have plenty of time to buy myself two burgers for my lunch and a bottle of distilled water. To cut the long story short we leave the school at around 7 am goinh to sasa wharf in which we will ride the ferry going to samal and from there we will suffer the long and unfriendly roads of samal going to place where we are going to plant mangroves. Its kinda fun to think that we are planting mangroves for the environment (tse!)
After which, we go directly to CANIBAD Beach in which we almost travel for about an hour. But the long wait is worth it. Seeing the beauty of the plce and the mouth watering sights of the beach. it is very relaxing to see the green and blue water that invites you to swim.

Unfortunately i did not have the oppurtuniy to take a dive or swim because I am still receovering from my sprained ankle. So what i did i just take pictures of the place and have a little unwinding of what to do in the near future.

All I can say is the place is beautiful and serves a good plce to relax and enjoy together with your friends and family. I hope you could visit the place.

Yahpau buzzing out.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Have you meet a certain person and find him/her attractive and you get interested on knowing him/her? So spend many days and nights thinking about that person and you can't get rid him/her out of your mind? You came to the point that you confess to your self that your falling in love with that certain person?

What if that person is committed? He/she is on a relationship with another person? What would you do? Would you still fall for him/her? What if the other guy tells you that he too is falling for you though he is committed? What would you do? Would you tolerate him and don't care what will happen as long as you are happy?

These are normal situation that a teenager faces today, they tend to fall in love with a person committed to each other. Here comes the feeling of anger towards the partner and you wish that they broke up in order for you to be with the guy. Or there are instance that you choose to be with the person even if he is committed and you end up in a love triangle. You are not committed to each other but you hang with each other all the times and you exchange endearments, ILOVEYOU's, even you hug ad kiss each other.

I know that they say that men are natural polygamous (Relating to, characterized by, or practicing polygamy.) A person having more than one partner. For married couple this is called adultery. They say that your partner could only give 90% of the love and attention you wanted. When you starting to look for that remaining 10% you could find it on the other person that's why some people tend to have other girls/boys in order to fill that lacking 10%. But can you sacrifice all the times that you are together for just that lacking 10%? You neglect that 90% just for that lacking 10%? Why not fill that lacking 10% with the time you've been together, the good times and bad times you went through together. The lacking 10% percent is a just a number very minimal to the relationship you have with your partner. Nobody's perfect and a relationship is ever been perfect. There would be ups and downs in a girl-boy relationship you have to face that.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

My foot is sprained because of PARKOUR!

It was a good Sunday afternoon when me and my friends decided to go on a walk in Sun City Empress. It is just a gloomy afternoon when we decided to run along the road and feel the breeze.

As I run smoothly i saw a good tree. In my my mind I thought that why nit practice Parkour. But wait I'm not wearing my running shoes. I might get hurt. But my addiction get over me and so i jump and try one vault on the tree. As I am about to land I miscalculated the landing and i hesitate. As a result a land on my right foot (on my ankle).

Now I am suffering from a painful ankle and a hard lesson. Never practice parkour with warming up and wearing your shoes(I'm wearing slippers while i jump on the tree) because it will hurt you really bad.

Special mentioned given to Prime Nover Deles, Ray Rhen Flores and Christabelle Flores (they are not related.)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Let's talk about PARKOUR..

I have been practicing this kind of sport for several months now and as of this moment I am enjoying every training and session. It gives me joy and the feeling of freedom as I run around the city and jumping in every obstacle (this includes walls, stairs, table, and anything you could imagine). My friends are asking me what the heck am I doing and I'm constantly jumping and running around. Sometimes they look at me as the weird guy someone who has ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or AD/HD) is a neurobehavioral developmental disorder. ADHD is defined as a “persistent pattern of inattention or hyperactivity—impulsivity that is more frequently displayed and more severe than is typically observed in individuals at a comparable level of development.”). I can't blame them, in the first place they don't know what I am doing or practicing. In order to inform them I decided to write this ertain post here.

What is PARKOUR?

Parkour (sometimes also abbreviated to PK) or l'art du déplacement (English: the art of movement) is both a discipline with the aim of moving from one point to another as smoothly, efficiently and quickly as possible using principally the abilities of the human body, but is also built on a philosophical premise, perhaps more similar to martial arts than to a sport such as gymnastics. Parkour's focus is on how any obstacle is dealt with, whether the obstacle be either physical or mentalParkour (sometimes also abbreviated to PK) or l'art du déplacement (English: the art of movement) is both a discipline with the aim of moving from one point to another as smoothly, efficiently and quickly as possible using principally the abilities of the human body, but is also built on a philosophical premise, perhaps more similar to martial arts than to a sport such as gymnastics. Parkour's focus is on how any obstacle is dealt with, whether the obstacle be either physical or mental.

Parkour practitioners are often called traceurs, or traceuses for females.

David Belle (born 29 April 1973 in Fécamp, France) is a man largely credited as the founder of parkour. He is also a physical educator, stuntman and actor. His military training and early athletic, climbing, gymnastic, and martial arts training acted as the foundations for the discipline he has developed.

Basic Moves

Before you practie the other moves in Parkour you must learn first the basic moves a traceur must learn. These moves are the Drop, Vault, Leap, Blind Jump, Underleap, Balane and Tic Tac. (Please refer to for more information) These are the basic moves to learn in order to practie parkour. But before you go practie these moves you have to warm up first. ust like your ordinary exercise this too can't be manipulate for warming up. You will also need a good pair of shoes (Running shoes) and a good clothes that will not hinder you form moving.

I hope you have pick up something from this liitle post and that may help you understand about parkour.

(information gathered from and

This is where it started.

I am bored and got nothing to do so i decided to surf the net and try to create a blogsite. What is a blog anyway? and why is that almost all of the people around the world with or without computer units are hook up in this kind of trend? If a create a blog and start writing on it does it makes me a writer? what would i get from doing this? I guess in order to answer these inquiries I have to try it my self.

First things first, what is a blog anyway?
Well according to
"A blog (a contraction of the term "weblog") is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog."

So this means a blog is a website in which an individual
maintained it by writing on it. You could write anything and everything you like. It depends on what certain topic you want to tackle in your blog.

So so much for the introduction, let's start blogging.