Friday, July 31, 2009

It is not a CANIBAD Day.

It was a sunny July 19 , 2009 and our class in NS2b together with the other class of NS (Natural Science) is scheduled to conduct our much awaited (tadaaaaaaa...) Mangrove Planting at Samal Island. At first its was a tiring day because I have to wake up at 4 am in the morning to prepare thy self for the said activity and traveling from my lair going to school where all of my classmates will met up. (By the way that time the school is close for the quaratine..)

I arrive at about 30 minutes ahead of the call time so I have plenty of time to buy myself two burgers for my lunch and a bottle of distilled water. To cut the long story short we leave the school at around 7 am goinh to sasa wharf in which we will ride the ferry going to samal and from there we will suffer the long and unfriendly roads of samal going to place where we are going to plant mangroves. Its kinda fun to think that we are planting mangroves for the environment (tse!)
After which, we go directly to CANIBAD Beach in which we almost travel for about an hour. But the long wait is worth it. Seeing the beauty of the plce and the mouth watering sights of the beach. it is very relaxing to see the green and blue water that invites you to swim.

Unfortunately i did not have the oppurtuniy to take a dive or swim because I am still receovering from my sprained ankle. So what i did i just take pictures of the place and have a little unwinding of what to do in the near future.

All I can say is the place is beautiful and serves a good plce to relax and enjoy together with your friends and family. I hope you could visit the place.

Yahpau buzzing out.

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